
The Truth About Dementia Essay

Decent Essays

Being first diagnosed with this disease the symptoms are often subtle and can go unnoticed. Some examples of this can be the person diagnosed with dementia can forget where the bathroom in their house is or that they left the keys in their car. Then the disease will progress to more noticeable effects such as not remembering the rules of the road and forgetting where you are going while driving. For Chris, in The Truth about Dementia, this is exactly what had happened to him. Chris for all of his life was into motorcycles and owned his own auto body shop. When he gave his license up after getting confused while driving, his symptoms seemed to get worse at what seemed like a fast pace. For dementia patients this is a normal process in their disease. Chris also stated that he while he still had some of his cognition left, he wanted to keep telling his family that he loved them because once his dementia progressed he knew he wasn’t going to be the same and problem not be able to tell …show more content…

If he goes out at night he puts on sunglasses to make the light less bright, so that the light does not scare him. Having light sensitivity and getting freighted by normal every day things such has shower water and baths, are very common for people with dementia. Things that were once similar are now not. For example, if the person with dementia still lives at home they may not be able t recognize their own house and things inside. If asked to go somewhere in the house they may ask how to get to that room. Sleeping at night can also become something they cannot do, they tend to get up and wander about. Doors are also particularly intriguing, once Chris found the door at night and was found wandering the streets at 4am in his pajamas. A cop was nice enough to bring him back home, but once home he still did not recognize his own house or

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