
The US Huntington: The Cold War

Decent Essays

Huntington was born in 1927 in New York, N.Y. and his educational and academic career proceeded on the fast lane: graduated from Yale College with 18; served briefly in the US Army; earned his master-degree at University of Chicago in 1948: and finally, received his Ph.D. at Harvard University and started teaching Science of Government there in 1950. Consequently, he spent most of his academic career at this university. He wrote, co-wrote or edited 17 books and numerous articles on domestic and foreign affairs until his death in 2008. Besides his academic career he acted as advisor for a presidential candidate and served as advisor to the National Security Council in the 1970s.
He wrote his book in the historical context of the end-1940s and 1950s of the United States: the Cold War and the policy of containing communism, the Korean War with the conflict between President Truman and General MacArthur and the rise of a liberal society. Furthermore, the US armed forces did not went through a major downsizing after the Second World War, what …show more content…

Conclusively, his theory would also be applicable in Western Democracy’s. The author’s main thesis is that only a professionalized officer corps can allow an effective civilian control. Thereby he differentiates between “objective and subjective civilian control.” Objective civilian control recognizes an autonomous military professionalism that would ensure the national defense.” On the other hand, subjective civilian control would allow a military participation in the political

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