
The Ultimate Fighter Essay

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The Ultimate Fighter

What if your success counted on your fighting skills and dedication? That is the case in the new reality show, “The Ultimate Fighter”. It is based on one of the oldest theories, survival of the fittest. Survival of the fittest is how a lot of American culture is run. This T.V. show portrays American culture by using the survival of the fittest concept.

This show, like many shows today, is a reality show. There are a group of guys who are put into a house to live together. The twist is that all of the guys want to become an ultimate fighter. They will have to compete against each other in events as well as fight each other if they want to stay on the show. The winners get a six figure contract and a chance to …show more content…

Survival of the fittest is how some one will survive based on their strength. However, this is not always directed towards strength. Sometimes it is directed towards skills or even social status. In this case it is directed towards strength. Which means the weaker ones will not survive. For example, a person has to have skills and dedication to move up in a company. That person is competing against other people for that position. The person with the less of the skills and dedication, (the weaker one), will not get the job over the one with the greater of the skills and dedication (the stronger one). The weaker one loses. Another example is the small business market. Small businesses (weak) often go out of business due to bankruptcy. Large businesses (strong) succeed due to good business. That is the survival of the fittest. The strong one always wins. The show is the same way. As, mentioned above the fighters train to get into shape and be good fighters. The fighters have to compete in a number of unknown competitions like obstacle courses. They have to be in good physical shape in order to have a chance at winning the competition. The person who is in better shape will win the competition. That is one way the show portrays the survival of the fittest. After the competitions the winning team picks a person from their own team and picks a person on the opposing team to fight each other. The loser goes home. The better fighter or the

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