
The Usage of Cocaine is Immoral

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The Usage of Cocaine is Immoral

In the chapter Against the Legalization of Drugs by James Q. Wilson, he states that “tobacco shortens one’s life, cocaine debases it” (LaFollette, 2010: 333) as a result cocaine, as opposed to tobacco is morally wrong. Throughout this paper I will be discussing the many different effects and experiences of using illicit drugs. I will go into details of the harm it imposes towards others such as their partners, family and friends and how the society and community are affected as well. I will especially address the physical and emotional harm done to oneself and how the quality of life begins deteriorated. Overall I will be taking the stand with Wilson, expressing why I agree that using cocaine is indeed …show more content…

In our society we have a moral duty to avoid harming others but with the usage of illicit drugs such as cocaine, social relations and society damages are merely inevitable. Therefore the State may begin to regulated and place bans on specific drugs under the purpose to protect its people.
Illicit drugs can cause many unlimited types harms towards others such as conflicts. An example is in a home where there is a drug user, issues with their partners, with other family members and friends can quickly develop and escalate. Drugs can interfere with relationship by putting their addiction first instead of their partners. This can result to many disagreements, emotional or physical confrontations and can cause partnerships to grow apart or even to separate. To have a family member that is using drugs, can force the members of the family to experience feelings of helplessness, concern, fear, or terror, failure, and stress. As of friends, they can be discourage to hang out with the drug users as they may be bad influences, too aggressive or depress towards them or they may be scared of who they have become. Or it could be the drug users are no longer making time or putting an effort to contact their friends because they are in a mind state where they have forgotten about their friends. Harm towards others could be violent acts to strangers or drug dealers and again towards those

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