Use Of Force
Every day across the United States, law enforcement officers are found within situation where they must take immediate actions to calm on-going conflicts. With targets. As to everything we do, there must be a particular action we need to do prior. A guitarist first tunes his guitar before playing; an athlete first warms up before playing sports; as well to a police whom needs to be prepared before beginning shift, knowing there is a possible risked that could go drastic within a few seconds. If a suspect were to murder someone right in front of them, what would an officer do? What force would Law enforcement proceed with? Or perhaps it would all come to a shock and a total surprise as in the case of Tracey Thurman in
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When appropriate use of force is acted upon, it is in cases that are permitted under certain circumstances such as that of in defense either in themselves, individuals or a group of individuals. When broadly speaking upon law Enforcement cases, no two are the same, they may be similar, but never the same, therefore there is no universal set pair of rules to follow during a potentially threatening situation. Officers have obtained proper certified training to judge when proper use of force is required to regain control.
When explaining “how much” use of force is needed, it all comes down to the situation the officer or officers are facing. When applying for a targeted person, use of force may be defined either excessive or justified. When applying use of force to a target, unpredictable events may turn drastic, time is scarce and only seconds are available to determine proper response, thus doing what is necessary in the heat of the moment. Nonetheless, there has been open and obvious use of excessive force in American policing.
If we exam the case of the Rodney King beating that occurred in the early 90’s. Clear video footage was seen and any person with or without knowledge of law would determine things were handled in extremely unprofessional and unjust ways. In today’s society, the fear of repeating unjust ways and acts against unruly citizens or any targeted person,
The use of force is without a doubt an important aspect in policing. The decision to utilize any type of force comes from a multitude of recourses; department policies, training, situational variables and ethical systems. There are three major categories in which an officers use of force is categorized under; justifiable, excessive and deadly; with a thin line between justifiable and excessive. Cases where excessive force has been used, has lead to injuries, deaths, civil damages, officers convicted and sentenced to jail and police chiefs and elected officials being removed from office (Fyfe, 1988). It is an officer`s discretion in determining when the use of force is justifiable.
A '''use of force continuum''' is a standard that affords law enforcement officials & security officers (police, probation, or corrections) with guidelines as to how much use of force may be used against a repelling subject in a given situation. In certain ways it is similar to the military’s escalation of force. The reason of these models is to clarify, both for officers and citizens, the complex subject of use of force by law officers. They are often vital parts of law enforcement agencies' use of force policies. Although various agencies have developed different models of the continuum, there is no universal standard model (Stetser, 2001, p. 36)
Throughout police history in the United States and around the world there have been numerous incidents of reported police brutality and other forms of corruption including taking bribes, theft, sexual deviance, and many more. In our present time corruption has decreased significantly from what it once was decades ago but still exists. One of the most publicized cases of police brutality, if not the most, was the beating of Rodney King. Most people have heard about the case and seen the video of the brutal beating that took place in Los Angeles on the night of March 2, 1991. The video shown to the public contained officers appearing to beat Mr. King while he is on the ground while
Some may feel as if excessive force is needed when dealing with the so-called criminal. The majority of these people are stuck in the mindset that all police officers are here to help and the amount of force is based upon the victim. This is an example of what people
The use of force is inevitable in police work. In many situations the lives of officers or civilians can be taken by not using force when necessary or using it improperly. Many factors come into play when an officer decides to use force. This includes is the use of force justified, has the officer been properly trained to use force, and will the department be held liable if the force is used improperly?
There are several guidelines for the use of force, which vary from place to place and situation to situation, there is not universal rule and guideline for the amount of force used in a particular event. However, national institute of justice gives guidelines for the use of force based upon various factors which are as under:
One of the first recorded videos to bring light to the issue of police brutality was the severe beating of Rodney King in 1991. Rodney King became involved in a high-speed pursuit with the Los Angeles Police Department, after stopping his vehicle Mr. King was dragged out and excessively beaten by four white officers, all caught on videotape, however, when tried for their actions all four officers were acquitted. As a result of the court’s ruling, a six-day riot in Los Angeles transpired, where over 1,000 people were hurt and at least 50 killed. Decades later America continues to face the realities of Police brutality towards individuals of color in the country, and as the use of portable phones and cameras increase, more videos of innocent black men beaten and killed begin to surface. Since the shocking video of Rodney King’s excessive beating, many fatalities have occurred due to excessive and lethal force.
The Controversy of Police Use of Force "Use of force" refers to the "amount of effort required by police to compel compliance by an unwilling subject. " The Fourth Amendment forbids unreasonable searches and seizures, and various other legal and policy controls govern how and when officers can use force. Most agencies tightly control the use of force, and supervisors or internal affairs units routinely review serious incidents.(1) In America today, we are faced with this question: Are law enforcement officials using the proper amount of force when dealing with possible suspects and the general population? The answer to that will depend greatly on who you ask.
Whenever a law enforcement officer places an individual under arrest or is involved in a deadly force scenario the officer has used some degree of force. The incidents where an office has to make a split second decision and use physical force to control a situation is known as “Use of Force.” The use of force varies as situations present themselves to the officer and they must decide what level of force is necessary to control the situation. Often the use of force is subject to much debate and not a year goes by without some media coverage of some law enforcement officer accused of using excessive force. In dozens of studies of police use of force there is no single,
The use of force, with regards to law enforcements use of it, is a complex topic that should be looked at in all perspectives. There is tension between the police and the community they work for, on whether this is a power that the officers should have or not. There are ambiguous laws that do not give law enforcement offices much guidelines on what is exactly permissible when it comes to force, and all the different situations it could occur. The line that the use of force leis on is often a fine one. It is teetering between excessive force and never being able to enforce the laws. The use of forces is a conversation that is worth having with all the pros and cons that it brings to the discussion board.
the use of excessive force. Many people have witnessed or have become victims of police brutality. In their line of duty, police officers are sometimes faced with threatening circumstances that enable them to make haste decisions when expecting the worst at the same time hope for the best outcome. A police officer is given the power to maintain law and order as well as to take away any right of a citizen when a situation permits (Heydon, 2005). Thus, they have the responsibility to apply the forces in a recommended way. Therefore, police are trained to use the least amount of force necessary to make an arrest by using escalations of force. However, sometimes police exceed the minimum amount required to diffuse an incident or protect them, which leads to misconduct or undue violence when not warranted.
You are the Secretary of Defense and the President has asked you to advise him on the use of military force.What are the costs and benefits of resorting to force? The Secretary of Defense’s job entails of many main responsibilities. One of the many being that it exercises authority, direction and control over the department. The Department of Defense is directly under the president, who is the Commander in Chief. The main objective of the Department of Defense is to provide the military the necessary resources, means and power to deter war and protect the citizens of the country. The main headquarters of the Department of Defense is at the Pentagon, which is located in Arlington County, Virginia.
In certain situations, the police may have to act quickly on their instincts. Sometimes, a situation is unpredictable and a decision needs to be made in a split second. The quick decision may to be to take a person down physically with the officer’s own hands, or to use deadly force, unfortunately. Anything can happen and the officer needs to be ready for every scenario. The different levels of force can be anywhere from just a police officer being present, to having to kill someone to prevent him or her from hurting anyone else. It’s a harsh reality, but sometimes the officer needs to make the decision to die or to protect him and do what he needs to do.
The use of excessive force by police officers is a topic that continues to make headlines and a study that needs to be done. Although much research has gone into this topic there still is no consensus on why the use of excessive force occurs. Some studies suggest lack of training and/or problems with organization policy/procedures. Law enforcement officers are authorized to use force when necessary, but when the level of force is excessive, however, the actions of the police come under scrutiny. The resulting effects can include; public outrage, scandal, negative reputation for not only the officer but the law enforcement community, and criminal considerations. Although there’s is no concrete definition of excessive force, police
Police have the uncontested right to use force when necessary to apprehend a suspect. If the force exceeds that which is necessary it is defined as excessive force and is illegal. An officer’s discretion on use of force is a based on judgment. They do not know if a judge will later rule an instance of use of force as excessive or not. There is a fine line between what is considered acceptable force and what is considered excessive force. All an