
The Use Of Psychological Manipulation In George Orwell's V For Vendetta

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Throughout George Orwell’s 1984, the phrases “ War is peace.” “Freedom is slavery.” and Ignorance is strength.” are often repeated and have become the Mantra of Oceania, the country formerly known as England. These statements seem contradictory and ridiculous to readers, so how can they make so much sense to the people of Oceania? How can a country push such backwards ideas on millions of people, making them dependent droids? It appears ludacris yet, humans have used psychological manipulation throughout history to gain control. James McTeigue’s V for Vendetta has the same manipulative aspects throughout its own story as well, creating parallels in not only these two fictional worlds, but also our own. The NorseFire government of V for Vendetta and the Party of 1984 are inarguably born of the same notion of total control. Take, for example, the use of mass media deployed by both governments to manipulate the thought patterns of their respective citizens. The “2 minute hate” of 1984, consisting solely of animalistic rage and hatred towards Goldstein, was designed to influence not only the thoughts of Oceania’s citizens, but in turn to also influence their actions. The Party planted a daily seed in the minds of it’s people. Day by day that seed, that idea, grew and grew, constantly compounding on itself to deliver a false reality. This is psychological manipulation at it’s very core. Yet it is only a means to achieve a goal, and in this instance as in many others, the goal is totalitarian control. Totalitarian control in itself is completely unachievable without the use of psychological manipulation. This is observable at various points in history, most notably during Nazi era Germany and Soviet era Russia. The tremendous low that was experienced by the German people coupled with the unflinching promises and charismatic ways of Adolf Hitler so warped German minds that they were capable of horrendous acts that to this day have left a bloody print on the entire world. Through the emotional propaganda of Joseph Goebbels and Hitler’s doctrine of Aryan superiority the Nazi government was able to manipulate the minds of the public and only through this manipulation was the holocaust possible(1). Walker 2 The

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