
The Value Of Nature In The Man Who Killed The Deer

Decent Essays

Pivotal to their tribal heritage, the Pueblos value the natural world above all else. The native people feel a living connection with nature; in which the Pueblo find their complete peace through the “bare granite face of the mountain”, the “sacred tribal lake”, or “the deep turquoise lake of life” offering the ecocentric beings comfort (6-7). Waters’ novel The Man Who Killed the Deer opens with the nature calling a strong Pueblo Indian into the woods. The honorable character hears “Grandfather coyote” and “Grandfather Crow” call out to him, asking him to leave his home and come to the forest (17). By listening to the “heart of the mountains”, synonymous to the “heart of [his] body”, he saves a man’s life (17). Truly, “the deep pulse of the mountain” and “the pulse of his own blood […] beat together” as one (7). Palemon’s experience with nature sets the tone of the novel: the Pueblo value nature, tradition, and their tribe above all else. The ecocentrism in Pueblo Culture values balance in nature over any other relationship: if nature lies in peace, then life remains balanced. In The Man who Killed the Deer by Frank Waters, the author influences the reader to think like a Pueblo tribe member by using the Pueblo’s value of nature to describe the protagonist and his wife.
Waters represents Martiniano’s uncertainty between his Pueblo community and the white men from his school life through his struggles with the natural world. Martiniano’s battle with the outdoor world

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