
The Vegan Information Community: A Case Study

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The Vegan information community seeks knowledge that will improve their own lives as well as the lives of their planet. As library professionals, how do we provide this community with information that will satisfy their needs? According to Dr. Debra Hansen, “. . . information professionals are experts in the many types of information sources that are continuously being created, and our job is to connect information seekers with these sources to meet their information need” (as cited in Reid, 2017). Although information has taken on many forms, the function of reference librarians remain clear--find reputable resources that will meet the needs of the people.
By utilizing library databases, library professionals can adequately provide patrons …show more content…

(2016). Motives of consumers following a vegan diet and their attitudes towards animal agriculture. Appetite, 105, 643-651. Van Mierlo, K. (2017). A model for composing meat replacers: Reducing the environmental impact of our food consumption pattern while retaining its nutritional value. Journal of Cleaner Production, 165, 930-950. From personal experience working as a library professional in my local library, libraries make it a responsibility to not only provide their patrons with information--they improve the information literacy of their communities--Information literacy empowers the user to use discernment in their research in order to question the validity of the resources--because human beings live in an age with such rapid advancement due to the speed of information on the internet, fake news can take us for a ride. According to Rick Mercer (2017), “half the information is false and not just false it is intentionally false designed to confuse us fake news” (para. 3). Information seekers are susceptible and vulnerable to the constant bombardment of data, however, just like with varying food choices, the user possesses the ability to decide where they choose their knowledge

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