
The Veldt Critical Analysis

Decent Essays

In “The Veldt,” Ray Bradbury demonstrates that technology causes individuals to overlook how much we genuinely need family in our lives. Because of technology, we have become more and more unaware of our family. How many times has your whole family eaten dinner successfully without having anyone check their phone or any item of technology? Perhaps technology is misleading us to think that the severely valuable things we have in our lives are the most insignificant. We aren’t taking seriously the purpose of our parents and siblings. This can be seen with how Peter and Wendy react when George informed them that the whole family was shutting down the house and going on a well-needed vacation. Moments after George threw the switch that killed the nursery, the children …show more content…

So silent.” (pg. 9). Wendy inaugurates to cry and Peter firmly yells at his father, “I wish you were dead!” (pg. 9). Here the author foreshadows Mr. and Mrs. Hadley dying. Since the nursery has the ability to create a virtual world just by the kids imagining it in their heads, the author further hints at the concept that the children were having serious thoughts about the death of George and Lydia. The only reason Peter and Wendy would have these thoughts is most likely because George and Lydia threatened their children to shut the house including the nursery off. Peter and Wendy see it as being forced into slavery. Meaning, they’d have to bathe themselves, clothes themselves, feed themselves and even play with each other. If these high-tech gadgets hadn’t been in Peter and Wendy’s lives from the start of birth then most likely the kids would have acknowledged their parents more. The technology in the Hadley’s HappyLife home was disturbing the way a family should normally live. Therefore, creating bad habits for the kids to practice regularly. This sudden impulse of anger motivates Peter and Wendy to lock up their parents inside the nursery for the lions to feed

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