
The Victorian Era

Decent Essays

Art Historian, Daniel Siedell said, “In such a society as the Victorians’, when public society is so stifling, steam is naturally going to be driven underground.” The reform of the Victorian era, a time in England of refinement and high decorum surrounding the years of Queen Victoria’s reign, did not produce revolution but the opposite: stagnation. And so at this time in England there were ingredients present to create a real revolution and bring a dismantling of the Victorian spirit, but they were underground and silent. Oscar Wilde aimed to bring that underground movement above ground through flagrancy. Wilde’s innovative faith as well as shocking literature were two gears of the same vehicle. They were gears dependent upon each other to bring anti-Victorian aestheticism to the surface of English society and culture. Oscar Wilde's literary revolt against propriety paralleled his unconventional view of religion-- both were a rejection of law and an embrace of beauty.
In as much as Wilde influenced The Victorian era and what came thereafter, the Victorians society in England was Wilde’s environment and the cause of who he was. The era, during and around when Queen Victoria was on the throne in England, was characterized by what they thought was, “revolution.” It was grounded on delicacy, refinement, “good words,” and all other forms of high decorum that reflected the prosperous bourgeoisie according to Walter Murdoch, a prominent Australian academic and essayist (18). In a

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