
The Vietnam War: The Cold War

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In the wake of an arms race that threatened the world existence, two conflicting ideology clashed on in a high stakes standoff between two global superpowers. This political divide was known as the Cold War, which included decades persistent tension between communist and capitalist nations. As an impact of the arms race between the US and USSR, both nations possessed weapons of mass destruction, and were both reluctant to use them against each other, because of the mutually assured destruction they bring. In the words of Rodney P. Carlile, “...each had sufficient nuclear armaments to impose such destruction on the other in the event of nuclear attack that neither would initiate a first attack” (Carlisle). Both nations were kept in check, and as a result, the Cold War actually shed very little blood, instead being a war primarily based on fear. …show more content…

This had many adverse impacts in the late 20th century, especially in Eastern Europe, even in places as far west as Germany in the form of the Berlin Wall. As noted in The Encyclopedia of the Contemporary World, “the Berlin Wall [which] was built and quickly became the most vivid symbol of the cold war: The 28 miles of wall, barbed wire, and minefields separated Soviet-controlled East Berlin from U.S.-supported West Berlin”

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