
The Wanderer Poem

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“The Wanderer”
“The Wanderer” portrays the current situation of various speakers that are all intertwined. The poem goes into grave detail as to the feelings, hardships, and memories of the various speakers, leaving the reader feeling as if they were actually there. Of course, grave detail is just one of the ways the author puts the reader “within” the piece. The speaker uses alliteration, caesura, imagery, metaphors, and tone to establish the austere mood of the poem.
As the poem unravels with such strong emotion, it pulls the reader in deeper with every line read. In the beginning of the poem, the speaker, or lone-dweller, “longs for relief” from his exile at sea. As the reader, we can feel the pain he is feeling and in some way can …show more content…

We do not see this unfold until the end, but it is made evident that the speaker has gone through stages of emotion. These stages lead him to his current state at the end of the poem. Through tone we see this shift in the speakers emotion throughout the whole poem. He moves from lonely, exiled and miserable, to reminiscing of his past happiness, to gaining wisdom from his experience, to his final state of contentment and wisdom. The speaker says, “Therefore no one is wise without his share of winters in the world’s kingdom. A wise man must be patient…” then he leads into explain what traits a wise man must have. He realizes that you gain this wisdom through hard experiences or “winters” as he compares it. He realizes that all things fall apart and nothing in this life is permanent. Before the speaker was dwelling in the fact that he was alone and everything he once knew is gone.
Now, he has a new outlook: that all things must end, but it does not have to bring endless sorrow. A use of repletion is also used in order for the speaker to get his point across. “Here wealth is fleeting, here family is fleeting, here human kind is fleeting,” as stated by the speaker to once again explain that this life is not permanent nor are the people, places, and wealth we may experience. The ultimate goal is that of heaven “where a fortress stands for all”. The speaker embellishes his religious views by saying, “all will be well for him who

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