
The War On Drugs

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What If I told you that legalizing all substances, substances such as heroin could do much more good than harm. Drugs have been public enemy number one ever since Richard Nixon declared so in the 1960’s. The war on drugs today had proven to become a huge failure with some unintended consequences. Some of those consequences include corruption, mass incarceration, and political debilitation and violence. It has negatively affected many across the globe. While this is happening we continue funding drug cartels who what nothing more than to keep drugs underground. The war on drugs is a war of freedom, a war of moral principles, a war of extortion of the US people.
The economic welfare of the nation would greatly expand due to the amount of money …show more content…

A prodigious problem for many using these illegal products is the task of knowing a safe amount to take. If these substances were legal they would be under the same constraints as another medicinal product. The Fair Packaging and Labeling Act requires each package of household "consumer commodities" that is included in the coverage of the FPLA to bear a label on which there is a statement identifying the commodity. the name and place of business of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor. The net quantity of contents in terms of weight, measure, or numerical count and the dosage amount. The aforementioned is so monumental in the safety of drug user because it is trusted information on how much to take. This Spread of uninformed information over the internet would be lost if there was a federally regulated dosage on the containers of the drugs. Meanwhile, another gigantic problem dissolved is the quality of the substance. Keep in mind underground drug operations are still a business, their goal is like any other to make the best profit. This venture for profit leads to some atroshish business models. When buying drugs from these operations you may not be getting what you really think you are. Often a substance called NBOme is sold as if it were LSD. NBOme is sold in substitution because is sold for cents, unlike LSD. LSD in nature is impossible for any human to overdose on, on the other hand, NBOme is highly potent even at what some would consider a low LSD dose. Users may consume monstrous dose of NBOme thinking they are safe and end up deceased. This doesn't just apply to LSD and NBOme, it is common for almost all illegal

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