
The Waste Land Analysis

Decent Essays

There is not one person in the world who has never been bored. The state of boredom is experienced by everyone, yet the feeling of it is widely despised. We humans have a natural urge to fight this feeling, because without excitement in our lives, the world would be dull and lack reason to live. This state of mind is difficult to explain, however one poem impressively portrays the feeling of boredom using creative imagery. Although it is initially difficult to evaluate, I claim that T.S. Elliot’s poem The Waste Land perfectly captures the concept of boredom because of the author’s use of colorful imagery, allusions, and metaphors. Comparing boredom to a dry, desolate landscape assists the reader in visualizing a bleak world overrun by …show more content…

Eliot declares, “Here is the man with three staves, and here the Wheel… / The Hanged Man. Fear death by water.” (51-55). The fortune teller pulling the tarot cards warns the reader to fear death by water. Although the initial assumption may be drowning, I assume this could also mean death caused by the absence of water, which could cause one to die in a wasteland. Boredom can be seen as an endless cycle of tiresome repetition or dullness in life. In the second part of the poem, Eliot includes the challenge of fighting boredom. The speaker discusses the need for people to find interests in life, for example playing chess late at night. The term “waiting for a knock upon the door” suggests that the speaker expects meaning and excitement to show up during his life to make it interesting. In the poem, Eliot states: "What shall I do now? What shall I do… What shall we do tomorrow?
What shall we ever do?" The hot water at ten.
And if it rains, a closed car at four.
And we shall play a game of chess,
Pressing lidless eyes and waiting for a knock upon the door.” (130-134).
The people in The Waste Land do not seem to know how to kill time, as they have no concept of what meaningfulness is. Eliot might have viewed life without meaning as a never ending game, playing ourselves even when there will not be a winner. I claim that the lives of the people within this section are wasted by waiting for meaning to come to them, instead of

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