
The Weeknd Discourse Community Examples

Decent Essays

Many examples of discourse community can be seen when you consider music. Every artist has two sets of fan bases; the first are the “band wagon” fans, these are people who only like the artist when they are what society considers main stream. The second type of fans are the loyal fans, most who have listened to the artist since they have started singing/rapping. These loyal fans are the groups who make up discourse communities. These communities are important because they are the structure of an artist career, without these loyal fans, artist aren’t able to grow. To dig deeper into discourse communities, we are going to look at the XO community (also know as The Weeknd). After joining this community, I have learned key terms which can make …show more content…

For example, a person can go look up information about the topic on the internet or read a book or magazine. In the XO community, we identify as being apart of the family based on two things; which is time of listening to The Weeknd’s music and the knowledge of what you know about him. I’ve been a part of the community for 6 years, and was introduced to The Weeknd by my older sister. She had come into my room playing The Weeknd’s cover of Michael Jacksons song Dirty Diana and asked me if I thought he said like Michael. From that point on I had fell in love with his voice and now listen to him constantly. During this time, that she introduced me to him, is what we as fans like to consider Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. Chapter 1 is the mixtapes era or Trilogy era where The Weeknd released House of Balloons, Thursday and Echoes of Silence. Chapter 2 is Kissland. This was the time when we consider The Weeknd our “secret” because he had not gone mainstream , so little people knew of him. These albums were a time of darkness in The Weeknd’s life and is where a majority of the community connects

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