
The Wife Monologue

Decent Essays

He is using me just to please himself when he feels like it, otherwise I exist not in his thoughts or world. The woman has been through the centuries acted as a magnifying glass with the magical ability to reproduce the man twice as big as he is, that's what I am, I am abused by him, because of that I was a weak little woman.
Last night I went from desperate to pathetic, I became someone I barely liked, such a woman as I used to scoff. All I need is compassion, I had become selfish as relentlessly crying for my desire for compassion of my husband. I am a failed individual.
The wife is leaning with her back to the door edge and staring at her husband while he made himself ready for the output.
'' You are always outdoors and leave me all alone …show more content…

'' Responding husband card to his wife's comment while he checks himself in the mirror. '' Stay here at home with me, darling. ''
'' I can not, I'm already late. I need to head me off. ''
'' Can not I go with you? '' Why do I so very desperate, why do I get confirmation from my own husband? Why can not he be more emotional, even if he does not love me so he can show me that he does not hate me?
Husband rips away your face from the huge wall mirror against the wooden floor.
'' You would hate it, my botched former girlfriends will be there. ''
He goes to his wife, he kisses her on the lips '' Goodbye my dear. '' He walks out of the bedroom and get down on the steps. The wife quickly follows after him.
'' You .. I have thought of one thing, a positive thing .. It's probably time. …show more content…

I would have a new reason to live here! The kitchen, above the kitchen, the bedrooms, and beyond these empty rooms, or rather this whole house must be decorated with love and care, they must be filled with new life '
'' A child is not a pastime ''
'' It is not a pastime! It is an inspiration ''
He sighed '' We could feuding about this four hours ago! I will be late ''
'' I did not know it was going to be a brawl ''
'' Do you really want to be one such couple who rescue their marriage with a child? ''
'' Saving? ''
'' One reboot, a new outfit, rekindle, what does it matter ?! '' Again, turning her husband and takes down the steps. He stands in front of the front door and put on his outer shoes and coat. Shortly after, his wife and sets up the stairs. She provides him a cold look '' And you're going to go out now? '' In his arms crossed she walks slowly toward him.
'' Yes! ''
'' You are a coward man. We can not continue like this! ''
'' Really? ''
'' I'm not going to continue like this'
'' Are not you continue? Is not it good enough for you? ''
'' It's not even close! ''
I had had enough, her stubbornness makes me boil with rage. He took her hands and pushed her, stuck his demands with

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