
The Wife Of Bath Prologue Essay

Decent Essays

Chaucer has written and finished a total of 24 tales, sadly he did not finish the remaining 96 tales. Although, "The Wife of Bath's Tale" including the prologue of this tale written by Geoffry Chaucer in 1400 is included in the 24 finished tales. "The Wife of Bath's Tale Prologue" and "The Wife of Bath's Tale" by Geoffry Chaucer clearly shows his mix of Mythology and Christianity, his dislike of the church, and how there are only two types of women unless a man fully submitted to his wife, that then his wife becomes the best of both types, this is shown in "The Wife of Bath's Tale Prologue" And "The Wife of Bath's Tale" this is show by references to the Christian God, supernatural creatures, his distaste of churchmen, and his leeriness of women.

Chaucer tends to have a mix of Christianity and Greek mythology within "The Wife of Bath's Tale Prologue" And "The Wife of Bath's Tale" meaning that it references not only to the Christian bible, stories, and scriptures, but that it also tells of supernatural beings such as Incubi and Elves. A reference to the Christian God is show here "God calls folk to him in various ways / And each one has of God an individual gift / Some this, some that, as it pleases Him to provide / Virginity is great perfection / And continence also with devotion / But Christ, who is the …show more content…

The second category that Geoffry Chaucer has placed women into is if they are ugly they will be loyal, that they can be trusted not to sleep with other men even prior to marriage. In "The Wife of Bath's Tale" Geoffry Chaucer does have a magical third category for women. This third category is if a woman has the complete submission of her husband. Then she will be the best of both worlds, being beautiful and faithful to her husband such as the knight's new

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