
The Willpower Instinct By Kelly Mcgonigal

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In our daily lives we encounter temptations and regardless of resisting or falling for them is due to the amount of willpower you posses. In the book The willpower Instinct by Kelly McGonigal, demonstrates how stress can affect our daily lives by causing us to act irrationally by listening to our temptations however through, her teaching of self-control, motivation, and the beneficial aspect of controlling your willpower can lead to a successful and healthy human being. Facing these temptations can be difficult when dealt with, but through the willpower experiments the cause and effects of temptations can be learned from. One willpower challenge I currently have is my poor habit of spending money due to the temptations that occurs when I’m mostly with my social peers, but through gaining self-control, a better sense of self-awareness, and motivation progresses me through this challenge.
McGonigal demonstrated how we are heavily influenced by our social peers and how our temptations can be effected by each other. She stated “Self-control is influenced by social proof, making both willpower and temptation contagious”(McGonigal 208). Being surrounded by my social peers who constantly spend on food and fun activities, it causes me to be more susceptible to these temptations. Sharing the same interest as my friends make it difficult for me as my peer’s choices have an effect on me as the feeling of being excluded occurs when I’m the only one skipping a midnight meal to save

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