
The Woman In The Yellow Wallpaper

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In the story, she is purposely criticizing Weir Mitchell, her brother and her husband in the piece that is why she addressed them. She doesn’t change their name for the sake of anonymity. She flat out calls them out. Now, to the setting of the room, what is represented because everything is talked about deals with the wallpaper, the woman in the wallpaper, the bed and the bars on the window. The room itself represent the confinement of the marriage. Paul has so much power over her that she doesn’t want to be in the room but she still has to do it against her will. It is his decision. He makes all the decision. He is the man. He is the husband. So, she loses all her power because she is married to him. So, locking herself in that room and being forced to stay …show more content…

She feels like she is imprisoned. The woman in the wallpaper is imprisoned and that pattern keeps her from coming out. The narrator says that the lady in the wallpaper represents her then the pattern is her restrains. There is a sense that she is recognizing what she is suffering which is restrainment and the woman in the wallpaper. There is clearly not a woman in the wallpaper. There is not some creepy figure lingering around the house. House is not haunted. The room in that the wallpaper driving her Crazy. We see her digression as the story progresses. Now, the yellow color. The yellow color is supposed to make people happy, excited and the energize body. Ironically, the color of the wallpaper is yellow. As per the color psychology, overexposure of yellow color does the exact opposite. Instead of making people energized and excited, it leads to nervousness anxiety in the feeling of being overwhelmed. The symptoms of the postpartum depression are same. It is not pretty yellow. It is dull dark yellow. It is also representative about the excitement of the life of narrator which is all gone like the dull yellow

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