
The Wordy Shipmates Analysis

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The Wordy Shipmates by Sarah Vowell shows that the Puritans were more than a colony of uptight Englishmen. Her thesis is about how the Puritans were a writing based group of people. The Wordy Shipmates starts off with Vowell stating, “The only thing more dangerous than an idea is a belief. And by dangerous I don’t mean thought-provoking. I mean: might get people killed” (pg 1). Vowell supports this statement throughout her book by explaining how religion plays an important role in every part of the Puritan lifestyle. She explains that they thought of themselves as "God's new chosen people” (pg 24). Sarah Vowell writes with lets say a unique style. She uses a sarcastic and sometimes a provocative tone to express her opinions to the reader. Vowell will also switch between tenses, often …show more content…

She defines the pilgrims of Plymouth, who separated from the Church of England, and the puritans of Massachusetts Bay Colony, who opted out to reform the church within. Throughout this book Vowell is able to show how much we did not learn in history class. Through this unique style she captures her reader in a historical journey from England to the colony of Massachusetts Bay. Among the most purely Puritan are the governor John Winthrop and his right-hand minister John Cotton. She introduces some of the colony's reformists Anne Hutchinson, a woman who dared to have some words of her own, and Roger Williams, whose rebellious and shocking ideas led to such American standards as freedom of speech and separation of church and state. In this book Vowell does not only give her reader a history lesson, but the tells of real people who happened to set the stage for a future democracy. She leaves the reader with the sense of how important words still are. The words of the past transition and develop to form our current

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