
The Work Of John Locke

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Different theorists have attempted to explain why individuals submit themselves to an external power to form a society. Some philosophers argue that individuals submit themselves to an external power on a contractual basis through the mutual transfer of right since, primarily, everyone has a right to everything. On party, therefore, foregoes certain natural rights and so does the other so that both converge to limited rights that govern them. Such philosophers base their argument on the assumption that sovereignty is primarily unlimited and that it is foregone when rights are transferred (Kimmel 54). On the contrary, other theorists have argued that sovereignty is never foregone upon the transfer of rights but its rather maintained among the people through the people 's in the form of a government. The government is, therefore, portrayed, in this case, as an external power belonging to the people, by the people and for the people. These contrasting theories have generated heated arguments on which of them is analytically correct. This paper provides an analysis of the work of John Locke with regard to explaining why individuals submit themselves to external power to form a society. Also, the paper provides defensive evidence explaining why Locke 's work is the most compelling explanation of the question.
Meaning of 'Social Contract ' as Used in This Paper
In spite of the differing arguments, the theories converge on the fact that some social contract is formed between men.

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