
The Works of George Orwell

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George Orwell How did George Orwell, an author who died over 50 years ago, suddenly rocket to the top of the best sellers list? George Orwell was able to show peoples all over the world about dangers that not only pertained to people of his time period but to multitudes of future generations. He used his literary knowledge to write books that were incredible influential in both their literary skill and the message they portrayed. George Orwell greatly influenced British society through his literary works which outlined the danger of fascism, imperialism and an overly controlling government. George Orwell was born in 1903 in India. He was often ill as a child suffering from the common flu to more dangerous bronchitis. He was a rather introverted child and mainly stuck to writing and reading stories. George Orwell never really developed a close nit relationship with his father even after he had returned to Britain from his service in India. After completing school he joined the military service for five years before he returned to England and began his writing career. George Orwell is able to influence so many people today because of his relatablitity. Normally the people who talk about the dangers of government spying are politicians who are part of that elite class. George Orwell, on the other hand, was not able to afford the highest education possible and had to face numerous struggles during his youth. The most prevalent of these were his constant battle with aliments

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