
The Works of William Carlos Williams

Decent Essays

Humans today often overlook the simple things in life. They may overlook flowers in a garden that may seem simple, but if under a microscope, the hidden things are visible to the eye. William Carlos Williams wrote poetry that, when put under a microscope, the reader could see the true complexity of the poem hidden beneath simplicity. William had an artistic eye, which he must have had inherited from his parents, who were painters (Llanas 47). “William Carlos Williams is as magically observant and mimetic as a good novelist….how well he calls into existence our precarious, confused, partial looking out at the world” (qtd. Jarrell). William Carlos Williams’s poems seem to be simple due to the simple structure and vocabulary, but they have a complexity to them.
William Carlos Williams was born to William George Williams and Raquel Helene Rose Hobeb Williams on September 17, 1883 in Rutherford, New Jersey. Williams attended the University of Pennsylvania ultimately as a medical student there. It was at this university that he met Ezra Pound, who somewhat influenced the start of Williams’ poetic career. Pound and Williams also started their lifelong friendship upon meeting. According to M.L. Rosenthal from Modern American Poetry, Williams had a “desire to create specifically American poetics based on the rhythms and colorations of American speech, thought, and experience.” It is also evident in his literary works that Williams’ poetry is written based on his career and

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