
The World That Revolves Around Technology

Satisfactory Essays

A World That Revolves Around Technology Next time you go somewhere in public, take a moment to observe the people around you. What do you see? We live in a society that continues to rapidly grow in the use of technology, such as cell phones. A cell phone can be looked at as an essential device that helps others communicate in a fast and easy way by sending a text message to another person. According to the dictionary, a text message is “an electronic message sent over a cellular network from one cell phone to another by typing words, often in shortened form, as “l8t” for “late”, on the phone 's numeric or QWERTY keypad.” Have you ever heard the phrase, “Things are not always what they appear”? Many defend the idea that texting can be portrayed as a faster solution when it comes to communicating with another individual; however, if you analyze the lasting effects it has on a person, they can be seen as detrimental to oneself. I speculate that if society keeps on allowing our generation to promote the utilization of cell phones as a way of communication, then there will be negative long term effects that will continue to arise, such as lower literacy rates, lack of communication skills, and increasing death rates as a result of being distracted. Texting has become its own style of writing nowadays. Every text message sent is negatively impacting the literacy rate due to all of the abbreviations our generation has created and the autocorrect feature on almost

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