
The World War II On The United States

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Many outstanding life lessons have been learned as a result of the two World Wars that were fought on this Earth. World War 1 began essentially after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo June 28th 1914. There is debate as to whether or not this one was the main catalyst but there certainly were other factors that could have played a part. There were political changes happening in major European nations at the time also the industrial revolution was in full swing by then. World War II on the other hand was largely a result of Nazi Germany coming to power behind Adolf Hitler. The Nazi’s wanted to expand not only German influence but also expand German territory. Japan was not happy with the United States at the time the United States had been selling Japanese oil and rubber. Japan was in a war with China and the United States did not approve. Therefore, the United States placed an embargo on Japan. This resulted in Japan waging a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor that then drew the United States into World War ll.
Key lessons learned from the wars
One key lesson learned from World War 1 is that we can and should exhaust all diplomatic options prior to going to war. This war cost millions of lives and ruined nations for decades. “"There 's always a way out," said Nicholas Burns, a professor at Harvard 's Kennedy School of Government and veteran diplomat who served as undersecretary of State for political affairs in President George W. Bush 's second

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