
The Worldview Of God In The Book Of Genesis

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After reading the book of Genesis, chapters one to three, one can easily distinguish a different worldview of God in the eyes of Israelites when compared to early civilizations in Mesopotamia and Egypt. They have their commonalities too, but after reading both texts, the bigger differences lie upon the relationship between humanity itself and God as a cultural elite. In the Bible, Israelites view God as the undisputed creator of the universe, creating time and space; literally forging light and darkness into the canvas that would make up the world that we know. The book of Genesis is entirely about Gods work week as he created everything in the universe from the sky and the sea, to every time of vegetation and living creature that roams it. The Bible speaks of God in a powerful, but peaceful way, and it is clearly shown in the book of Genesis because he overlooks his new creations every day and it proclaims, “And God saw that it was good” (Holy Bible, New International Version, Genesis. 1.4). This shows that his intentions, from the first day of the universe’s existence, is nothing but pure goodness. Israelites believe that all of this was created for all of humanity to enjoy, as it says in Book two of Genesis, verses nineteen, “...He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name.” God showed us with this generous and compassionate act, wanted Adam, who represented all of humanity, to live in

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