
The Writing Of The Major Of Education Essay

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College presents various number of educational paths that a student may take. Some students choose to major in certain areas and minor in others to fortify them in their desired field of study. Each field contains its very own information, its own process, its own learning methods, and most importantly its own writing styles and forms. This is my third year studying in the field of Education. I have read many books, articles, journals and other pieces of information that have showed me who others in the particular major choose to express what they think or their findings. Throughout this paper I have handpicked three scholarly journals that truly emphasize the style of writing in the major of education. There are a lot of elements that can be observed to comprehend the form and style in which a paper is written such as paragraph and sentence length, subtitles, references word usage, visuals, and the structure of information. After carefully reading the journals and taking into consideration these elements, I came to the conclusion of which style is chosen by most writers in my field The style of form in my major can be described as experimental. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, my first journal, is a technical journal that has been around for over twenty years. A technical reading is characterized by the word usage, the content, and the level of professionalism. The editor is Laura justice. It covers issues of interest to early childhood development, theory, and

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