
The Yarra River

Decent Essays

Prior to European settlement: The Yarra River is not big at all compared to other rivers in the world. It only runs for 242km. It is not very deep or wide either. Its source is off the flanks of Mt Baw Baw to its mouth at the head of Port Phillip Bay. For the aboriginies of the Wurundjeri tribe, the Yarra River was a water source, a food source and a bathing source. European settlement: Charles Grimes was the first European to discover it. He named it “Freshwater River”. The second explorer who rediscovered the river was John Batman. He is more ronound because he traded 600,000 acres of Melbourne, including most of the land now within the suburban area, 40 blankets, 42 tomahawks, 130 knives, 62 pairs of scissors, 40 pairs of reading glasses,250 handkerchiefs, 18 shirts, 4 flannel jackets, 4 suits and 150 lb of flour for a …show more content…

Gold discoveries were often found in Ballarat, Beechworth and Bendigo. Colonies of people flocked to the gold sites from every different nationality. There were around 500,000 people from Great Britain. Of these 300,000 were from England and Wales, over 101,000 from Ireland and 100,000 from Scotland. At least 40,000 Chinese, and another 5,000 from the south pacific (mainly New Zealand) joined the rush. Construction of the Western Treatment Plant at Werribee: The Western Treatment plant measures at 10,500 Hectares and is a world leader in technical and environmental innovation. It takes in around half of Melbourne’s water and produces almost 40 billion litres of recycled water. The plant was constructed in 1888. Prior to this, disposing human waste was extremely basic. Sewage would be collected and dumped into water ways such as the Yarra and Hobsons Bay. The idea was to construct a system of pipes, sewers and drains built underground to carry sewage from homes and factories to a sewage treatment farm. 1970’s and 80’s urban renewal programs in lower course of

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