
The Yellow Wallpaper Research Paper

Decent Essays

Ismael Ruiz

Professor Blair

English 1B

October 8, 2014

Reflection about “The Yellow Wallpaper” In The Yellow Wallpaper,” Charlotte Perkins Gilman narrates the case of a woman living in the 19th century who faced the imprisonment marriage and the domestic role a woman at that time. Because of the physical and mental restraints she ends up mentally ill. The yellow wallpaper was clearly symbolic and the woman that the narrator sees trapped in it might be translated as her very own imprisonment. Another very crucial aspect was the role of the man who was seen as superior and perhaps more intelligent; in this case the husband was a physician. The narrators’ husband, John, acted as he knew everything and she always ended up just listening …show more content…

At first, she disliked it, but as she kept staring at it she began to see a woman trapped inside. In some other occasions she sees the woman creeping outside. “It is the same woman, I know, for she is always creeping, and most women do not creep by daylight” (318). At this point the reader begins to wonder if perhaps the narrator is telling the truth or it’s just a product of the narrator’s imagination. The women that creeps out during the day might symbolize the narrators daily life, when her husband is not at home she can escape and wonder around the house. However, when the husband is at home and she tries to talk to him she might feel trapped just like the women in the wallpaper. The yellow wallpaper was a clear symbol of her repression and perhaps she sees reflected her own life in it. It can also be interpreted in different ways since it is clear that at this point she has become an unreliable source. The idea of a woman trapped in wallpaper was a clear sign that there was something wrong with the narrator and that perhaps she was using this to try to express her

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