
The Zika Virus Outbreak

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The Zika virus outbreak has been a hot topic of discussion lately. Within the past year, news stations all over the United States have been talking about it. The virus has been around since the 1940’s, so why is it just now being talked about worldwide? This is because it has recently spread to the Americas, and the World Health Organization declared the Zika virus as an international public health emergency on February 1st, 2016. “The agency said the emergency is warranted because of how fast the mosquito-borne virus is spreading and its suspected link to an alarming spike in babies born with abnormally small heads -- a condition called microcephaly -- in Brazil and French Polynesia” (Michael Pearson 2016). The virus is transmitted directly …show more content…

Scientists had been conducting “routine surveillance” for yellow fever within the Zika forest, and realized the test results were in fact not yellow fever, but a different virus they decided to call Zika (World Health Organization 2016). That year, the same scientists decided to isolate the virus from the monkey so that they were able to conduct more research on it. They learned that specifically the Aedes mosquito, which they later caught in the Zika forest, transmits the virus. The name Zika comes from the Zika forest in Uganda, which translates to “overgrown forest” in Ugandan. In 1952, the virus was discovered in humans from Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzanian. The original recipients had mild symptoms including: fever, rash, joint pain, and red eyes; it seemed to be something that wasn’t much of a concern. The virus then spread to Asia “The known geographical distribution of Zika expands to equatorial Asia, including India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan, where the virus is detected in

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