
Their Eyes Were Watching God Analysis

Decent Essays

Plot and Theme:
The book Their Eyes Were Watching God was introduced through the eyes of the town’s people, judgmentally watching Janie return home for an unknown reason. The plot really starts however, when Janie begins to tell Pheoby of her childhood and being married off to Logan Killicks by her Nanny. After spending time with Logan however, she discovers that marriage and love are separate entities and after arguing with him over what her place on the farm is, she meets an ambitious man, Joe Starks, who promises her an easy life. She leaves Killicks for Joe and moves with him to the future Eatonville, where she becomes “Mrs. Mayor”, but quickly discovers that Joe’s promises were short-lived and she feels isolated, mistreated, and inferior. …show more content…

Janie’s experience with love starts under the blossoming pear tree, her opinions based on sexual desire. Her first relationship with Mr. Killicks lacked this because he simply provided a home and food and she made sure there was a hot meal on the table and all the work was done. Thus she was not satisfied with the relationship because there was no initial love. On the other hand, her relationship with Joe came from a mutual desire, friendship, and promises of an easier life. He won her heart initially and then failed to win her love through respect and proper provisions resulting in a changed perspective of …show more content…

Most thoughts are formed by words, chosen by our environment, while others are that still small voice in our head that we don’t always have the words to express, shaped by our feelings. Finally there are hidden feelings that we feel the presence of but doesn’t even reach conscious thought. Those are the deep feelings and worries that were left by Janie’s questions that she knew she didn’t know how to answer before she gave the problem to the

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