
Their Eyes Were Watching God Literary Analysis

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“Janie stood where he left her for unmeasured time and thought. She stood there until something fell off the shelf inside her. Then she went inside there to see what it was. It was her image of Jody tumbled down and shattered. But looking at it she saw that it never was the flesh and blood figure of her dreams. Just some thing she had grabbed up to drape her dreams over. In a way she turned her back upon the image where it lay and looked further. She had no more blossomy openings dusting pollen over her man, neither any glistening young fruit where the petals used to be. She found that she had a host of thoughts she had never expressed to him, and numerous emotions she had never let Jody know about. Things packed up and put away in parts of …show more content…

Throughout her first two marriages, it seems Janie’s dreams are simply out of reach, but Joe’s death brings her a new sense of freedom and promise. “The young girl was gone, but a handsome women had taken her place. She tore off the kerchief from her head and let down her plentiful hair” (Hurston 87). For the first time, Janie feels her life has the possibility to become everything she desires. This is proven true when she meets Tea Cake. Tea Cake is the epitome of everything she longed for in a lover; the flesh and blood figure of her dreams. Her love is tested during the hurricane when Janie claims she would rather die with him than live without him. Janie also mentions how her eyes were watching God, waiting to see what His next move would be and if He would let her keep her beautiful life, or if he had other plans. It seems Janie’s eyes were watching God not only during the hurricane but throughout the whole novel. Her eyes weren't watching God Himself, but His plans for her. Her eyes were watching fate; waiting to see where it would take her in life and what it would do with her dreams. Janie was waiting to see if even after she had found what she was looking for, it would take that away from her. The end of the novel shows how fate had a mysterious power over Janie that she did not understand until after she returned to Eatonville alone, but with Tea Cake’s presence still with her. Even through Janie had lost Tea Cake in the most tragic way, she did not lose the emotions she felt towards him or the beautiful memories he had given her. Tea Cake was Janie’s breath of fresh air. His body had died but his soul has not. Janie still feels his love. To everyone else in the town of Eatonville, it seems Janie had lost her dream, but in her mind she has found it, and holds on to it so tight not even death could break her from

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