
Their Eyes Were Watching God Literary Analysis

Decent Essays

In the romantic novel Their Eyes Were Watching God written by Zora Neale Hurston, theme whispers through Janie’s story. According to An Introduction to Fiction, theme is “ generally recurring subject or idea conspicuously evident in a literary work” (K+G 726). Janie feels the need to begin her story from the start of her life’s journey. As a teen, Janie is always outside with the birds and the bees. Finally one day she sits down in the grass realizing something she has never concluded before. She witnesses as “a dust-bearing bee sinks into the sanctum of a bloom; the thousand sister-calyxes arch to meet the love embrace and the ecstatic shiver of the tree… So this was marriage” (Hurston 11). At a very young age Janie sees the true beauty …show more content…

Gender roles are also a huge aspect in her life. Janie is taught many lessons from her Nanny. One of the lessons Janie remembers is the pain and hardship Nanny was put through as a slave. Working all her life Nanny explains to Janie “ de nigger woman is de mule ud de world so fur as Ah can see” (Hurston 14). Although the role of men is to usually carry the load, Janie learns the women carry out the tough tasks. This statement shapes Janie because she realizes women are going to have to get down and dirty sometimes. Janie first realizes this as Logan’s wife. She is made to work in the fields and Logan plans on her working the plow before to long. Janie does not like that fact she is not being treated like a prized possession; however, she experiences the opposite effect as well. Janie faces an internal conflict about how to act when being forced to work with Logan. As stated in An Introduction to Fiction an internal conflict is a “central struggle between [a character and their own mind] in a story” (K+G 714). The relationship she has with Logan challenges her to find within herself to be subservient to someone else. After leaving Logan for Joe Starks, Janie becomes the mayor’s untouchable wife. Joe considers being a “mayor’s wife [as] something different…you ain’t goin’ off in all dat mess uh commonness” (Hurston 60). Now Janie holds a position beneath her husband. She is the mayor’s wife, which

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