
Theme Of A Dream In Othello

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As Iago outlines his plans to engineer the officers’ brawl in Act 2 Scene 3 of the play, he refers to it as a “dream”, which will allow his “boat” to sail “freely, both with wind and stream” (2.3.46-47). Nuri Fainuddin discussing about this very dream in her journal Jealous Murderers as Reflected in Shakespeare’s Othello: A Psychoanalytic Study says that the imagery, “speaks of a desire to proceed smoothly onwards and upwards in society, dependant on his [Iago] skill to navigate opportunity, rather than be thwarted by the ‘glass ceiling’ of class” (54). It becomes apparent that Iago uses to his own ends the idea that dreams display a reality kept otherwise hidden. He also reports to Othello of Cassio supposedly revealing his lust for Desdemona while in his sleep. Despite the lack of rational evidence, Othello seems willing to accept the account from Iago as “proof” that Desdemona is cheating. However, Iago also describes almost a sexual moment he has allegedly shared with Cassio when he states that Cassio, “grew upon my lips; then laid his leg / O’er my thigh, and sighed, and kissed” (3.3.480-481). Originally, the description of the dream was supposed to be about Desdemona and Cassio, but it becomes less important than the extensive vivid imagery of what allegedly happens between Cassio and Iago. It can be reasonably inferred that Iago’s obsession with destroying Othello seems to be inspired partly by an unusual love/hate relationship. In the case of the dream, Iago hints

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