
Theme Of Archetypes In Brave New World

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In order to understand the overarching message of Brave New World, Huxley uses a variety of elements such as Archetypes, Allusions, and the conflict of man vs society in which help highlight the novel.

John the savage, the protagonist from Bernard is introduced near the mid point of the novel. He is categorized between two specific archetypes, which are the seeker and the outsider. Being "born" into this society he is never given a chance to escape from reservation. When talking about the seeker, throughout the entire novel John is trying to find a place where he fits in, and belongs. Bernard was his chance in doing so. With Johns state of mind he realizes that he will never fit in to the so called civilized world of state. After being …show more content…

One major reason in which he called into this category is because no matter how unhappy he is or opposed against society, he is not one to stand up for himself or openly go against the world. Towards the end of the novel for example, Bernard is brought under tons of pressure where he could possibly be sent away forever, but he then immediately points fingers at John and Helmholtz for his own actions, even though they were his only remaining friends …show more content…

This specific pill alludes with the pill Soma which is used tremendously throughout Brave New World used to escape from unhappiness or displeasure. Society in the novel is taught to take Soma whenever they are feeling anything other than happy. Lenina mentions to Bernard in his times of stress ".... why don't you take some Soma when you have these dreadful ideas of yours. You'd forget all about them. And instead of feeling miserable, you'd be jolly. So jolly"(Huxley 125). The purpose of this drug is to cure depression while Carisopodol is used as a muscle relaxer. The symptoms of Soma are little to none after consumed. In comparison to Carisopodol which may cause fainting, blurred vision, insomnia, and nausea. The idea between the two drugs is in fact that they both cure pain but for two totally different

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