
Theme Of Beauty In The Wanderer

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Throughout life, one will endure hardship numerous times. It is unavoidable and inevitable; however, positives can always be taken from the hardship. Not only can life lessons be ingrained in the mind, but, almost always, beauty can be created from hardship. This is most definitely the case in three elegies from The Exeter Book, titled “The Seafarer,” “The Wife’s Lament,” and “The Wanderer,” which all share a theme of exile, even though it appears in different ways. In “The Seafarer,” it appears through the wretchedness of the narrator, in “The Wife’s Lament,” it appears through the anger of the narrator, and, lastly, in “The Wanderer,” it appears through loneliness and the melancholy attitude of the narrator. Theme is not the only thing that the elegies share, through the utilization of imagery, creating powerful feelings, or personification, all three elegies create beauty out of a painful experience. Even though a theme of exile appears differently in all three elegies, through utilization of these writing enhancements, each creates beauty out of a painful experience. The first way all three elegies create beauty out of a painful experience is through the use of imagery. In “The Seafarer” when the narrator speaks of his exile and the pain it gives him, the aesthetic imagery creates beauty and helps the reader picture and feel what the narrator is experiencing. The elegy states, “How wretched I was, drifting through winter/On an ice-cold sea, whirled in sorrow,/Alone in

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