
Determination In The Grapes Of Wrath

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Determination Proves All The Grapes of Wrath, written by John Steinbeck, has many valuable life lessons to take away and use in your own life. There are many key points in life that anyone may face and can learn from. John Steinbeck intelligently assimilates these into his writing. One of the most important lessons to learn is that determination can get you through many of lifes controversies. In the novel, the Joad family demonstrates determination in many scenarios. This shows itself various times over the course of the book; therefore, it is to be considered a theme. Although the Joad family comes across a large number of problems, they manage to find a way to solve them through the use of determination. Due to the Joad family’s strong belief in kindness and compassion throughout the novel, Steinbeck illustrates the theme of determination in The Grapes of Wrath very well as we see the family faces and conquers their issues on their travel to California.
A major way the author integrates this theme into the reading is when Jim Casy is determined to give himself up for Tom. After Tom trips a police officer, Casy kicks the police officer in the neck to knock him out. Casy is aware the officer will not be out much longer and suggests that Tom should get out of there. Tom is skeptical of Casy’s offer to run but Casy brings Tom’s family back to his attention, “Somebody got to take the blame. I got no kids. They’ll jus’ put me in jail, an’ I ain’t doin’ nothin’ but set

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