
Theme Of Greed In The Pardoner's Tale

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In The Canterbury Tales: Pardoner’s Tale, three men who have excessive drinking and gambling issues have decided to seek revenge on Death, the killer of their mutual friend. This, in turn, leads the three men to a tree where they find gold instead of Death, and because of the gold the three men kill each other in efforts to keep it for themselves. In this work, monetary greed is a major theme and is the social issue of the tale. The tale also covers the consequences that greed can have on an individual's life. In the Pardoner’s Tale, greed is shown through how the friends cared so much about the gold they found, they not only forgot their true goal of killing Death, they in turn killed each other trying to selfishly keep the gold. The issue of greed is at the forefront of numerous modern day issues. Greed influences the decisions of today’s society and causes one to change the way they may have normally thought or acted. In “Canterbury Tales”, Geoffrey Chaucer’s depiction of greed is extremely relevant to the motive of many actions in modern time, and through his writing can show that greed is an issue that modern society has varied on only a small bit because in the end, humans have not tried to change the culture of greed. In The Pardoner’s Tale, Chaucer shows the greed of the men numerous times through the entirety of the tale. For example, Chaucer wrote “And everich of thise riotoures ran Til he cam to that tree, and ther they founde Of florins fyne of gold ycoined

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