
Theme Of I Felt A Funeral In My Brain By Emily Dickinson

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The battle between emotional ties between a significant other or one’s self, brings a multitude of sentiments that are brought about by the impact that each leave. I felt a funeral, in my brain” was written was written around 1861, around the time period Emily Dickinson developed a new and obscure way of writing starting from 1889. The continuation of the revision and reproduction of the work Michael Drayton sonnet “Idea’s Mirror,” can be viewed in his poem “since there is no help” in reflection to his attempts to woo a lady. Published in 1921, “the lament of Springtime, “ by William Carlos Williams’s presents the theme of losing someone to death and the grief implementing the an understanding mood. The mood created by the authors Emily Dickinson, Michael Drayton, and William Carlos Williams develops a heartfelt sorrow and sympathy towards the speaker and their personal relationships in each poem. In Emily Dickinson’s “ I Felt a Funeral in my Brain” a mental distress and breakdown is displayed through a comparison of a funeral taking place in her mind through the use of imagery to enhance the mood. Emily Dickinson invites the reader to be part of the ceremonial that is taking place inside her head inducing a sad yet sympathetic mood. She describes that her “mind was going numb” and it was that feeling losing all sense that she states “and then a plank in reason, broke, and i dropped down, and down.” Emily lives her life in solitude a lot of her life, so I want to connect

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