
Theme Of Injustice In To Kill A Mockingbird

Decent Essays

A Persistent Issue In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, injustice is a chronic theme. A lack of fairness or unfair judgement defines the term injustice. The theme itself has different forms as well; legal injustice and social injustice are the primary forms of injustice found in Lee’s tale. It is an underlying theme throughout the story that affects each of the characters and the course of their lives. It is also a topic that existed as part of everyday life in the time period in which the book is set. This may have been the reason why this book was written in this time period, when injustice was conventional and more acceptable than in today’s age. Injustice is rampant throughout the book and takes the form of the social injustice in the school, the social injustice in the town, and the legal injustice in the trial of Tom Robinson. One of the first times that the reader observes social injustice in the book is the way in which the school of Maycomb County operates. Various distinct examples of this social injustice in the school can be found throughout the book, but a main example is when Scout’s teacher persistently held her back in school. Atticus and Calpurnia educated Scout to read and write, but the school required her to learn at the much slower pace of the rest of the class instead of encouraging further learning. Another example is when the students judged Walter Cunningham and Burris Ewell falsely based on their last names or family traits. “You’re shamin’

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