
Theme Of Love In The Epic Of Gilgamesh

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Would you prefer an infinite life over that of a finite one? For many people throughout history have had long thoughts about this. Specifically, in The Epic of Gilgamesh written by Andrew George. The story focuses on Gilgamesh King of Uruk, two thirds god and one third man. Unfortunately for the people of his town, they are not very fond of their king. For they feel he comes off as an arrogant, ignorant man who is full of himself.
Initially Enkidu was sent to keep Gilgamesh on check. For he had infuriated the gods by raping any woman his heart desired. Ironically Enkido and Gilgamesh become great friends, they were in many ways much alike.
He rapes any woman his heart desires. This leads to the gods becoming infuriated with him. The gods are represented as these hard to please inferior beings. Seeking revenge the gods send down Enkidu who was initially imposed to keep Gilgamesh in check. Gilgamesh and Enkido ironically become great friends. When Enkido does Gilgamesh is heartbroken which sets him on his quest. Unable to see the value of women and once again being the person he is Gilgamesh rapes any woman he desires.
Throughout the Epic of Gilgamesh, I recognize several different themes. First being love as a motivating force, the inevitability of death, and last but not least the Gods are dangerous. These are very powerful and very important at the time in which they were occurring. Although very common for us today, then they were not so much. Today we understand the

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