
Theme Of Sacrifice In Much Ado About Nothing

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Centralized around relationships and the nature of love, sacrifices come hand-in-hand with relationships in the play Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare. Seaking love and commitment, Hero, the virtuous daughter of Leonato, chooses to sacrifice truth to regain her relationship with her love Claudio; as well as protecting her pure character. This demonstrating how a sacrifice is that sincerest form of action that can demonstrate what a person values.
Accused of infidelity, Hero’s reputation was deeply tarnished by her fiance Claudio publicly on the day of their wedding. Having no knowledge of the situation she was being defamed for, Hero was left defenseless to prove her innocence at the time of the accusation. Thus reacting by dramatically to the news and falling overwhelmed to the ground. As a woman in the time period, the reputation associated with infidelity was earnestly unaccepted by society. In order to prove her innocence dramatic sacrifice was the only viable option available. Dedicated to preserving her honorable …show more content…

As losing him becomes an unbearable thought Hero uses her sacrifice to remind Claudio of the promise he made to her true self, when the situation comes to a resolution. Eagerly awaiting marriage, Hero profoundly admires Claudio for many reasons. Although in many aspects, their relationship were far less complex than others involved in the story, the pair grew to love each other for a multitude of reasons. As a woman of the time period, as well as being the virtuous woman she was, marriage was not a delicate matter. Knowing herself that the unchaste lies surrounding her name were false, but believed by Claudio, Hero was unwilling to let them impede on the commitment he made to her. In part with other goals Hero would not let the love of her life leave her in such a position because of her value of

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