
Theme Of Stigma In Wuthering Heights

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The word stigma in Greek refers to a kind of branding or tattooing “into the body and advertised that the bearer was a slave, a criminal, or a traitor – a blemished person, ritually polluted, to be avoided, especially in public places” (Goffman 11). It was a means of the society to demarcate and categorize persons between the insiders and outsiders. Such persons were beneath contempt since the stigma burnt into the body was “a failing, a shortcoming, a handicap” (Goffman 12). Stigma, whereas in religion refers to the five holy wounds inflicted on Jesus Christ at the time of crucifixion. Jesus Christ, before crucifixion prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass …show more content…

The novel opens with a reminiscence of Vanaa about an accident Urmila or Urmi, the protagonist had while learning to ride a bike. Vanaa was trying to steady the bike when Urmi screamed at her “I can manage”, pedaling furiously she lost her control and crashed (7). This ominous beginning sets in tune the undercurrent of the novel that, women who discard the norms ascribed by patriarchy, can be in …show more content…

She saw her daughter married off and pregnant and was contended. She died happy. Mira’s mother knew the fact that Mira was dissatisfied with her marriage but was afraid to ask her, afraid that she would admit it. Yet Mira told her nothing. Even if she told her about the traumatic ordeals what could she have done? “Nothing. That was all she could do her entire life – nothing. ‘Don’t ask me,’ she used to say to us. ‘Nothing is in my hands’” (126). Thus she made her daughter a shadow of her own.
Mira once tried to escape the ennui of her life by presenting her poems to Venu, a celebrated poet. Venu’s retort has been quoted in her diary. “Why do you need to write poetry? It is enough for a young woman like you to give birth to children. That is your poetry. Leave the other poetry to us men” (127). Thus, Venu represents the patriarchal society, a man who can proudly, arrogantly say that he’s a poet, and silences the voice of a woman forever. This typical male chauvinistic view clips Mira’s creative wings from attaining

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