
Theme Of Viny In Othello

Decent Essays

In the tragedy “Othello” by William Shakespeare the antagonist of the play is Iago a Venetian military officer. In the play Iago feels wronged when he is not given a high ranking military position as Othello’s second in command. Iago looking to avenge not being selected for the position by Othello Iago looks to stir feelings of jealousy and mistrust within Othello. Iago also lies to Othello telling him Desdemona and Cassio are having an affair leading to Othello verbally and physically assaulting Desdemona ultimately leading to her death at the hands of Othello. Shakespeare uses Iago’s villainy as a vehicle for Othello’s desenscion from a calm, well-respected, well-spoken man to angry, erratic, and jealous.
The antagonist of Shakespeare’s

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