
Theme Of Wang In The Good Earth

Decent Essays


Wang Lung is the protagonist because he starts out the novel as poor, a farmer forced to marry a slave, then throughout the story to the end he has enough money to provide all of his needs. As he owns this fortune he loses his connection to earth, his faith, his skill to participate in old traditions that give his life meaning. His for fortune is a blessing, yet also a curse. Throughout the novel, Wang’s character is defined by two traits. The first trait is his lust for dignity and money. Wang’s love for the land keeps his heart soft as his desire for dignity overshadows his actions. The second trait is the love of his land, which empowers his faith, his love for his family, his intelligence, his carefulness, and his work. In his elderly age, he is devastated to watch them repeat the mistakes of Hwangs and split their connection from the land the created fortune. In the end, Wang’s sense causes him to be sorry for his separation from the land, he never loses his bias to lust money and dignity, and he passes on this impulse to his sons.


The overall theme on The Good Earth is the beneficial power of land. In this nivel, land is connected with faith, respect for nature, good impression, and strong work moral, while land is correlated with evil and crime. The Hwang family parted from the …show more content…

Wang Lung is a young, poor farmer in rural China. When Wang reaches a certain age to marry, his father enters the strong Hwang family to ask if they have a slave to marry Wang. The Hwangs agree to give Wang a young slave named O-lan, who which he marries. Even though Wang and O-lan are more than happy to be with each other, Wang is upset that O-lan does not have bound feet. Together O-lan and Wang create a beautiful and “money making” harvest from their land. Wang is beyond excited that their first child is a

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