
Theme Of War By Pirandello

Satisfactory Essays

In “War”, Pirandello uses the characters differences in perceptions to illustrate certain concepts and emotions throughout the short story. As a result of this illustration, it gives the reader a different view on each individual aspect of the story. He does not come right out and state how the changing of the character and their emotions or view play a vital role in sculpting one's new perspective of each one of these main concepts. He instead lets the reader try to infer and take in the message behind each character's action and emotion during this difficult time of war. This lets the reader develop their own themes and reasons for how the story is set up in such a way. The writing techniques used by Pirandello in “War”, such as symbols, …show more content…

Lastly, towards the end of the story, the bulky woman says, “is your son really dead?” (page 3) after this question, the fat man breaks down into mourning. This shows how some people after the death of a loved one try to put up barriers from the truth because they don’t want to believe or accept what horrible event is happening in their lives and how much their world is truly going to change. Both of these characters display different ways people try to cope with the unimaginable pain of the death of a loved one, and the various ways they try to explain why this could happen to them through their beliefs. Furthermore, in contrast to the emotions derived by death we have the emotions and understanding of the concept of love towards the characters and their family member or loved ones that have been sent off to war. For instance, this concept is can be duplicated towards the end of the story when it states, “but now the words of the traveler amazed and almost stunned her. She suddenly realized…” (page 3). This quote shows what the power of love can truly do until this point she was mourning and could not be comforted, but now that the fat man has opened her eyes she sees the love she has and will always have for her son. Moreover, towards the middle of the story each person tries to almost “top” one another in whose situation is worse, “you should thank God that

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