
Theme Of Weather In The Great Gatsby

Decent Essays

English 11
Period 7
Symbolism of Weather in The Great Gatsby Throughout most novels there are recurring elements that have symbolic significance that help produce the novel's theme or mood. In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald uses weather to help support the motif. Weather is a symbol that is frequently used in the novel to set the emotional tone during certain scenes like dark and rainy days are considered melancholy therefore the tone of the overall scene is depressing. Not only is weather used to set the tone, but it also affects the characters emotions and feelings because like the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter, the love between Gatsby and Daisy grows and dies much like spring and winter. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, weather is symbolic to the tone of the piece while simultaneously emphasizing the emotion in the story which is seen during Gatsby’s reunion with Daisy and when Gatsby and Tom confront each other. Fitzgerald relies on the weather to emphasize the emotional aspect of the story during Gatsby’s reunion with Daisy. This reunion is crucial to the story because the reader is unsure if Gatsby ever had a previous relationship with Daisy. On this special day that Nick has arranged for Gatsby, it is “pouring” rain as he is waiting for Daisy to arrive (Fitzgerald 83). Fitzgerald uses the verb pouring instead of the noun drizzling to emphasize the the tone of the scene. When it is raining heavily, each drop that hits the ground make a

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