
Theme Of Women In Medea

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In most Greek tragedy, it is clear that females are not vital in society. Women are rather a necessity for the birth of new citizens and seen as just the vessels for carrying children. Greek cultural values depict women as subservient to men given no chance or opportunities to participate in society. The female is not considered to be part of Greek democracy because she is perceived to be dishonest and frankly her entire life is then masked by the masculinities that this society tends to favor. Thus, it is important to note the frustrations this belittling of expression brings upon females in these tragedies. In Euripides’s Medea, we can observe the fascination of women and the effects being subordinate to their male counterparts has in …show more content…

In the speech to the chorus Medea recites, “The Suffering I have endured, endured, calling for bitter lament aloud!” (111-112). This line is significant because right from the beginning of the play Medea acknowledges what befalls her as a woman. She speaks out against the status of women in society and emphasizes the lack of control they have over their marriages. Her “bitter lament” is a cry for relief on behalf of all Greek women. It is additionally important to notice why the chorus is specified in the play as the “Chorus of Corinthian women”. This highlights Medea’s status as a foreigner and underlines her isolation in Corinth. Thus, even as a foreigner to the city of Corinth, Medea empathizes with the ordinary woman and the chorus which when recalled consist of only women. Furthermore, Medea touches upon more flaws of her society when she states, “We women are the most beset by trials of any species that has breath and power of thought.” (230-231). Here the word “beset” is used to compare females to other species. The word carries a noticeably negative connotation and further supports the argument that perhaps the female to death dichotomy is not natural, but rather an inability for men to appreciate women for their passions to love. Loyalty and patience are virtues Medea seems to cherish most. She notes again that as women

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