
Theme Of Women In The Victorian Era

Decent Essays

During the Victorian Era, women were often seen as inferior compared to men, and throughout the novel, it is clearly shown and presented through a number of the characters. These include Lady Bracknell’s opinion on marriage and the attitudes of Cecile and Gwendolyn in finding their ideal husband. Women during the Victorian Era in middle and lower social classes were not encouraged to have too much education as their main “duty” was to do domestic work and reproduce.
Queen Victoria once said “Let women be what God intended, a helpmate for man, but with totally different duties.” This made a big difference to the position of women during her time of reign, as many women followed her belief and her belief became the norm during that period of time. Once married, all the belongings of the women were given by law to men which restricted in what women were allowed and could do during that era which lead to women being entirely dependent on their husbands.
In the novel, we are first introduced to Lady Bracknell when she visits Algernon for tea. In the movie she is portrayed as an arrogant, independent and snobbish women that followed strict rules of the upper class with what was and what was not acceptable. Lady Bracknell does not allow Gwendolyn to be married to Jack simply because he didn’t know who his parents were and that shows how you had to have …show more content…

So no matter how rebellious they are, in the end they will still be dependant of the male, whether it be their father, husband or even

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