
Theme of Identity in Never Let Me Go

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Response to Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go

Never Let Me Go is an incredibly intense novel, filled with many emotional scenes. Ultimately, it includes the perfect examples of a full-blown identity crisis. The children raised at Hailsham are desperate to understand the purpose of their own lives, bodies, and minds. The children attain a sense of identity through their treasured collections, creativity, artwork and delicate social structures.

Always Searching
No one appears exempt from the harsh realities offered by the ambiguity of human identity; people seem to search incessantly for meaning and purpose in their lives. Reflecting upon the vast array of material explored this semester; I realized how frequently literature, films, and …show more content…

Similarly, humans often have to cope with doubt, and the students come to realize they are “different from the normal people outside; we perhaps even knew that a long way down the line there were donations waiting for us. But we didn’t really know what that meant” (pg. 69) In this quote, Ishiguro suggests that a purpose does not solidify one’s meaning in life. Despite knowing their purpose in life is to make donations, the students remain unfulfilled and continue to search for something that feels meaningful to them.

Throughout the novel, Ishiguro uses the euphemism “completion” for death, and the students are often confronted with the reality that this will eventually be their fate. The word completion suggests that they are fulfilling a sense of duty, but these characters do not internalize this meaning. This concept is not far from what most humans realize; namely, that at some point in time, our inevitable “completion” is inescapable. Ishiguro suggests we need to find out what makes our lives complete before the “end.” He creatively incorporates humanity’s attempt to escape from this future when Kathy and Tommy desperately search for a deferral. They hope the ability to demonstrate their true love to Madame and another Guardian will ultimately save them from their predestined “completion.” While Tommy undergoes the donation process at the hospital he rejects the identity that illness attempts to give him. He

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